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Odyssey of the Mind

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Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving competition.  Teams of 5-7 students, under the guidance of their coach(es), solve one of the fun, new problems offered each year.  Students brainstorm and evaluate their ideas, create a skit that is less than 8 minutes long, and create ALL of the materials they need for their skit & to solve the problem WITHOUT any help from parents, friends, etc. 

Hidden Valley has a long tradition of creating teams that compete and do well in a Regional Tournament in late February/early March.  They often advance and compete in the State Tournament in late March/early April.  We've even had teams that have advanced to the World Finals, competing against teams from 25 or more countries, including the top teams from other states in the U.S.

Although it is a competition, the FUN of OM is the team of students CREATING the things that they imagined.  And then seeing how different the other teams imagined their solution.  Even though they solved the same problem, no two solutions are the same.

Please consider being a COACH for a Hidden Valley team.  Students cannot participate in Odyssey of the Mind if we don't have any parents / guardians willing to coach.



Problem Synopses

 2023-Synopses.pdf (PDF)

Links to OM Websites

Odyssey of the

NorCal State Website

Tentative Dates for 2022-2023 Season

Oct. 15 - Coaches Training on Zoom

Nov. 9 - Coaches Training on Zoom

Dec. 3 - Coaches Training on Zoom

You only need to attend ONE of the above

Jan. 21 or 22 - Spontania Mania (for teams)

Feb. 4 - Judges Training (possibly a 2nd date)

mid-Feb. - Paperwork Training

Feb. 17 - HV OM Dress Rehearsal, 6:30 pm

Feb. 25 - Qualifying Tournament, Concord

Mar. 4 - Qualifying Tournament, Sacramento

Mar. 25 - NorCal Tournament, Brentwood

If your family cannot attend the tournament dates, it is advised to not participate this year.

The sign ups for Hidden Valley Odyssey of the Mind teams are now closed. 

IF you are a parent, willing to coach or help coach a team, your child will be placed on your team.  And you could recruit other team members.

Priority of placement was based on those attending the Info Night on Sept. 20.

If you have questions contact Bob Lipman, HV OM Coordinator.

Email Bob Lipman